Chart and Data Exploration

Choose your trading pair

After signing in, you will land on the charts page.

On the top left, you can select the asset you want to explore and analyze.

Here is a list of trading pairs that are available to analyze.

Select Timeframe

Select the date range you want to explore.

All charts will show data for this timeframe.

Add Metrics

Add metrics to compare on this chart. You can add a maximum of 5 metrics to each chart, and have a maximum of 3 charts.

You can read about the assets and metrics we provide data for.

Explore Correlation

You can explore correlation between 2 or more metrics by looking at their 30-day rolling Pearson correlation or by a scatter plot.

Add metrics to favorites

If you'd like to save any metric(s) for quick access in the future, you can click the 3 dots on your selected metric and add them to your favorites. Your favorite metrics are accessible on the favorites tab on the left sidebar.

Save Chart Layout

The chart layout refers to the configuration of all the metrics you've added to all charts. You can save the chart layout to your favorites and rename it by clicking the save button at the top of the charts.

You can find your saved metrics and chart layouts here in the favorites tab, located on the left sidebar.

Last updated